Hi everyone! We’ve come to the end of my second week of furlough, here’s what I got up to…
Monday 20th April
To be honest, the days all seem to be merging into one now! Monday was pretty uneventful, we had a bit of a tidy, washed the dishes, etc.
I’d been wanting to watch ‘A Quiet Place’ ever since I heard it was on Netflix, which is unheard of for me because of I don’t like horror films at all. This one was a bit different though as I had seen snippets of it from when I worked at the Cinema and thought it looked pretty good! I actually really enjoyed it and it wasn’t that scary to be honest, I actually can’t wait for the second one!
We also continued to work our way through our to-do list that we compiled at the beginning of the lockdown. Lee and I have a shared notes folder on our phones for various different things such as a shopping list and our to-do list so we can see where we’re at with things! At the beginning of the lockdown, we added lots of things we wanted to get done around our apartment since we’d be spending a lot of time at home for the foreseeable future. One of the things on the list was to finally put up the fairy lights that I’ve had in the cupboard for about 3 years now, unfortunately, Lee can’t seem to find his drill anywhere so we still couldn’t put them up! I did start to put the light clips in place though so that as soon as we have drilled the hole required, we can plug them in straight away.
I then practised the Piano for a little while before sitting down to watch Doctor Strange, which was…. pretty strange! Wasn’t a huge fan of this one to be honest, I ended up playing piano alongside watching.
Tuesday 21st April
Tuesday was a little more eventful as far as isolation goes! Today I started the day with some photo editing, blog planning and writing. This took me up until lunchtime so I had a little break and made some sandwiches! Halfway through my sandwich, my mum phoned me to say she and my little sister were outside with presents ready for my Birthday tomorrow. I went out to pick them up from (just a side note before the keyboard warriors arrive, they stayed in the car the entire time and left the presents in a box on the bonnet for me to collect, social distancing was of utmost importance at all times and I was sure to wash my hands immediately after getting back into the house) We chatted for a while which was nice as I haven’t seen them properly for weeks, or any other humans for that matter 😂
After finishing my lunch, I then caught up with a bit of YouTube, TheTimTracker being my favourite! Once I’d watched a few videos, I decided to get cracking with dinner and also bake some cupcakes ready for my birthday tomorrow.
Whilst the cupcakes were cooling, I used my monthly audible credit and downloaded an audiobook which I look forward to starting when I fancy an audiobook for a change. I then caught up with my favourite blogs and had a scroll through Instagram for a bit.
Finally, I finished the day with my full skincare routine. I like to switch up my cleansing routine each day, some days I just use micellar water with a reusable cotton pad, toner and a bit of moisturiser before bed, however, 2 nights a week I do my full skincare routine which consists of a facial mask, gentle exfoliate, cleanse, tone and moisturise. I also like to switch up my products on these nights too. Tonight I used my L’Oreal Smooth Sugars Clear Scrub which contains fine sugars, Kiwi, lemongrass and peppermint to gently exfoliate and lift blackheads.

I love this scrub as its gentle on your skin and leaves it feeling super soft! It also provides a tingly, warming effect on your skin which leaves you feeling pampered and refreshed!

I then used my Pixi Glow Tonic Cleansing Gel with my Magnitone xoxo Silicone Cleansing Brush before following up with the Pixi Glow Tonic Toner and Pixi pHenomenal gel moisturiser.

I’ve always had really sensitive, dry skin so have never had problems with acne or excess oils, even when I was a teenager. However, since we’ve been indoors so much lately, my skin seems to have completely changed. I’ve got so many spots and blemishes and my t-zone seems to be getting problematic lately, which is really unusual for me. Luckily, I always make sure I’ve got some sort of treatment for when I do get the odd spot, my current one being the ASDA Tea Tree clear skin gel. This usually works pretty well when I have just one or two little spots during my cycle, however, doesn’t seem to be doing much for my problem skin at the moment. Nevertheless, I’ve been applying every day lately to finish off my skincare routine.

Wednesday 22nd April
Wednesday was my 23rd Birthday! I started the day as I normally do, went for a shower and even though we’re in self-isolation and not going anywhere, I decided to put some makeup on anyway just to feel a bit more refreshed and awake!
I then played the piano for a bit just to keep up the practice, which I’ve been doing a lot since we’ve been self-isolating and have more time. After breakfast, I opened my presents on a group video chat with my family. I received some lovely presents, pins, books, Disney collectables and even a love lock from Lee with our names and wedding date on it to leave in the place where we’re getting married!

After opening my presents, I had a pretty chilled rest of the day to be honest. I read my book for most of the day before catching up on my daily youtube videos and eventually buying my wedding shoes later in the evening online. I can’t wait for them to arrive sometime next week so I can see what they’re like in person!
Since we couldn’t go out for a meal or anything, we decided to order Chinese food to be delivered for dinner. Chinese food is my absolute favourite, so we enjoyed our food and finished the day with our next Marvel movie, Black Panther.
Not the best circumstances to have a birthday under, but all in all a good day anyway!
Thursday 23rd April
For my birthday on Wednesday, Lee’s mum bought me a Beauty & The Beast gem art kit so I spent all day Thursday doing that! I had wanted to buy a gem art kit for a while but never really looked into it, so I was really excited to have been given one for my birthday and couldn’t wait to get stuck in.

Whilst I was getting on with the gem art, I decided to finish the last few episodes of Glee on Netflix and also watched a few more episodes of ‘The Haunting of Hill House’ which I’d started watching just before Christmas. We also finally got around to putting up my fairy lights in the bedroom and I’m really pleased with how they turned out!

That was pretty much all I did on Thursday and then finished the day off with the next Marvel film, Thor: Ragnarok. We started watching it pretty late though so only got about 30 minutes in before going to sleep!
Friday 24th April
I started Friday off with the final 2 episodes of ‘The Haunting of Hill House’ I really enjoyed this series, It wasn’t too scary and the storyline was really good in my opinion! I really think Netflix knows what they’re doing when it comes to originals and I can’t wait for the next series! I also managed to complete my gem art after literally spending about 11 hours on it in total!

We later went grocery shopping for the first time in a few weeks. I haven’t been anywhere outside the house for a really long time now except for walks so decided to help Lee with the shopping as we were running low on a few essentials. It was really strange to see how the world has changed in the past few weeks, with social distancing measures put into place which is reassuring to see. The supermarkets we went to all displayed the 2-metre distancing rules and are limiting the number of customers in the store at any given time. We could also see staff disinfecting the shopping trollies, baskets and checkouts after each customer which was also great to see. We made sure to wash our hands thoroughly once we got home, It was nice to just get out and do something that is a normal activity in our day-to-day life.
Whilst we were shopping, I picked up one of Lidl’s new 3-in-1 cleansing foams. I love a foam cleanser and this one is really nice and definitely won’t break the bank! It’s designed especially for sensitive skin, feels really good on your skin and smells great too!

After putting all of our groceries away, I caught up with the latest episode of ‘High School Musical: The Musical: The Series’ (can’t lie, found this week’s episode a bit crap!) and then watched the next episode of ‘The Mandalorian’ which is so good, I really am loving it!
We then finished the rest of ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ which was the best Thor movie so far in my opinion! and then started watching Avengers Infinity War afterwards. We also ended up falling asleep about 40 minutes into this one as well so would have to finish the rest another day!
Saturday 25th April
Today we had a bit of a lie-in, which is not something we do very often! Lee is the kind of person who always tends to wake up super early and then wants to get up and start the day, however, we do occasionally have a lie-in on the weekends if we don’t really have much planned for the day. Being in lockdown, we’ve not had anything planned for a while now!
We watched the next episode of ‘The Imagineering Story’ on Disney+ and had breakfast in bed which was a nice change! I’m really loving the Imagineering Story, it’s so cool to see the ‘behind the scenes’ of the Disney parks, I’d have loved to be an Imagineer in another life.
I then spent a few hours finishing reading my current book ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’ which was really enjoyable! I decided to start re-watching the Harry Potter films there and then and popped the first film on to watch.
After that, we had dinner and went to bed!
Sunday 26th April
On Sunday we had another lie-in, it’s weird, this lockdown seems to have really taken it out of us, even though we’re doing less than we normally would during the week! I watched a few Youtube videos before getting up! Once we got up, we had a quick tidy-around and made some pizzas for lunch!
Whilst the pizzas were cooking, we made another one of my chocolate oreo tarts as (recipe here) well as experimenting with making one with a digestive biscuit base instead of Oreo.

After eating our pizzas, which were delish, Lee was busy cracking on with some radio stuff so I decided to pop the next Harry Potter film on to watch, ‘The Chamber of Secrets’ it was really cool to see the similarities/differences having just finished reading the book! Once the film had finished, I caught up with my daily dose of Youtube and also did some online shopping for some skincare products to help with the acne situation!
I then started reading my next book of lockdown, ‘The Flatshare’ by Beth O’Leary. I’ve heard lots of great things about this book and everyone seems to be raving about it in the book group I’m in on Facebook so I thought I’d give it a whirl before jumping into the next Harry Potter book!

I decided to head to bed to read for a bit and then we watched the majority of a film called ‘Triple Frontier’ on Netflix which I couldn’t really understand much of to be honest, but it was alright! We’ll have to finish the rest of it another day though 😂
3 things I’m grateful for/made me happy this week:
- Finishing a book! I feel like I’ve been in a huge reading slump lately and I think changing my book really helped. I’m usually the kind of person who perseveres with books until the end even if I’m not really enjoying it, but I’ve decided not to do that anymore, life’s too short to read books you don’t enjoy!
- Netflix, YouTube, Disney+ and Movies for providing endless entertainment!
- The lovely gifts I received for my birthday
what are some things that made you happy this week? Let me know in the comments! Stay safe and stay healthy! x