Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I just had a quick catch-up on here so I thought I’d fill you in on what I’ve been up to. From Christmas markets to wedding fayres, here’s what we’ve been up to lately…
Life has been pretty non-stop since we got back from Florida, we’ve been super busy catching up with work, running errands and just settling back into daily life! Since we’ve been back, we’ve bought our first pets together, albeit just some fish! Eventually, I’d love to maybe get a puppy (dream dog either being a Cavapoo or a Dachshund, they’re adorable!) but we need to buy our own house first before we think about getting a pup!
Speaking of buying a house, I recently opened up both a Help to Buy and a Lifetime ISA. I’ve been doing a bit of research lately into buying a house as it’s always something I’ve wanted to do, I was torn between opening up a Help to Buy or a Lifetime ISA. I decided to open a Help to Buy before they closed on the 30th just to keep my options open but after looking into both a bit more, the Lifetime ISA turned out to be a much better option for me personally so I opened one up and am planning to transfer my help to buy funds over to my Lifetime ISA instead. It’s exciting to think that in 5 years time (maybe even less) I could be buying a house!
We’re Engaged!
If you saw my Instagram post while we were away or have read my Week 3 Florida Photo Diary, you’ll know that myself and Lee are now engaged! I know right, Finally! 😉

I’m so excited that I’ve already been to 3 wedding fayre’s and we’ve not even set a date yet! However, I have put the wedding planning on the back burner for now until we actually get around to setting a date, then the real fun begins!
I’ll be honest, I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life, myself and Lee have been through so much together and been together for so many years, it’s really exciting to finally get our happily ever after (please excuse the cheese 🧀) So, on top of everything else, I’ve now got a wedding to plan!
Christmas Is Coming!
Eeeek! It’s that time of year! I’m already well underway with my Christmas shopping, I want to get it all out of the way as soon as possible this year so that I can just relax, wrap some presents, watch a few Christmas films and just enjoy the season! I’m planning on having a really low-key Christmas this year, I usually go a bit over the top with presents, but I’ve got a lot to start saving for now so want to keep it simple!
We recently took a trip to a local Christmas Market to kick off the festive feels and It was so pretty!
I absolutely loved these star decorations but I wasn’t sure where I’d put one! I love looking around Christmas markets, seeing all the lights and decorations really gets you into the Christmas spirit!
Whilst out, we grabbed a Five Guys burger for lunch and an Oreo Milkshake to share (highly recommend, they’re delish!)
We also did a bit of work in London recently and had a spare hour to ourselves so decided to head to Leicester Square Christmas Market as we do every year. We had some mini Nutella and cream pancakes which were delish and then proceeded to walk around and find some more Christmas lights! The Angels on Regent Street are some of my favourites, they look amazing!
The venue we were working at in London was really close to the London Eye so we managed to have a stroll along the south bank on our last night there as well. We spent 4 days working in London at the end of November and the venue started to put up their Christmas decorations, their tree was so beautifully festive!
Speaking of Christmas trees, we have now put ours up at home! Hooray! I love getting all the decorations out and starting the countdown to Christmas! This year, we bought some new interior icicle lights for our living room to give it an extra cosy feel and I was really excited to pop our new Disney ornaments on the tree as per our tradition!
This year we actually bought our Disney ornaments from Walt Disney World rather than having to buy them online! We got this beautiful Mickey compass one from ‘Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe’ in Disney’s Magic Kingdom and the Coca Cola bottle 6-pack was from the Coke store in Disney Springs
So that’s pretty much what’s been happening lately, I’m really excited for the upcoming festive season and can’t wait to share lots of updates with you, so much to look forward to nowadays! I’ve also found a few festive recipes I want to try out this year, so I might do a little recipe post if it all goes well 😊
See you soon!